Mindset Artistry

Embracing Small Wins and Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Amanda DeBraux & Janel Koloski

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Ever felt like your quest for perfection is draining the joy out of your pursuits? Janelle and Amanda get real about overcoming the traps of perfectionism and self-doubt in this episode of the Mindset Artistry Podcast. Janelle shares her battle with the stress and dissatisfaction that comes from always aiming for perfect results, while Amanda opens up about how her non-competitive nature and self-doubt initially stymied her progress. Together, they shed light on the liberating power of focusing on actions rather than results, making the journey toward your goals more satisfying.

Consistency and discipline are often seen as daunting, but Amanda and Janelle break it down into small, actionable steps that make the process enjoyable. They discuss how daily habits like brief meditation sessions or setting aside mental health days can lead to significant progress in your fitness, career, or personal growth. By shifting your mindset, you can transform what feels like obligations into exciting opportunities. Whether it's sticking to a gym routine or preparing for auditions, they provide practical strategies to help you stay aligned with your goals without relying solely on fleeting motivation.

Finding joy in daily actions and maintaining a growth mindset are crucial themes in this episode. The hosts explore how acknowledging small wins and reconnecting with your "why" can reduce pressure and anxiety. Learn how to balance professional goals with personal relationships, handle unexpected challenges with resilience, and embrace uncomfortable emotions as growth opportunities. By framing your journey with gratitude and self-compassion, you can navigate life's ups and downs more effectively. Join Amanda and Janelle as they wrap up with heartfelt gratitude and invite you to continue this transformative journey with them every Thursday.

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Speaker 1:

This is the Mindset Artistry Podcast. I'm Amanda DeWoe, an actor or actress per your reference, and an inner voice life coach, and I'm Janelle.

Speaker 2:

Pulaski, an actor and career and mindset coach. We're your hosts and we're here to flip your mindset, to teach you the artistry of what we learned to keep your mind in check Over the course of our lives.

Speaker 1:

we've taken on the journey of healing, living and being authentically ourselves, as we successfully built our individual careers in the entertainment industry.

Speaker 2:

This podcast is designed for you so you can discover your goals and courageously reach them at your highest potential, while being a hundred and thousand percent yourself.

Speaker 1:

What you'll get from us is real dirty and okay, a little more like a lot of quirky, along with special elite guests that nurture empathy and create a safe space without judgment. So get ready to build a mindset that is unapologetically you and excel beyond the stars. Welcome to the Mindset Artistry Podcast.

Speaker 2:

That's good. Hello everybody, welcome back to Mindset Artistry Podcast. We're so excited to be here Today. We're going to be talking about why the wins are in the actions, not the results, and I'm going to cover three points here and then we're really going to get into it.

Speaker 2:

Number one it builds consistency and habits, also known as discipline. It reduces pressure and anxiety and it encourages a growth mindset when you look at it this way. So my experience is I was the kind of person that wouldn't be happy until I met my final goal, so I got an A on that test until I lost the weight that I was trying to lose, until I won the medal. As a dancer, I went to all these competitions and I would always win, actually because I was pretty damn good. I would always win actually because I was pretty damn good. I would always win something. But even coming in second place wasn't good enough for me, even though there were thousands of people competing.

Speaker 2:

If it wasn't first, I wasn't happy and I would be so hard on myself and of course, then that would put me kind of into a depression for a week and I wouldn't want to rehearse and I took the complete fun and joy out of dancing, which is why I started to begin with, which is why it's so important for me to talk about this today, because a lot of times with myself, as I just said, and my clients, they get really bummed out and want to give up because they aren't seeing the results quickly enough.

Speaker 2:

And it's not even impatience. It's hard to be an actor, it's hard to pursue a law degree, it's hard to be a mom. There's so many things where we feel like if we're not the optimal results or we feel like we're not hitting the mark, our ego will just come in and try to protect us and point out like well, you're not there yet, so maybe you should give up. And so that's what I really want to fight against today. But before I get into the first point about consistency, habits and discipline, I'd love to know, Amanda, your thoughts on this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wins. It's interesting. I was never a competitive person but I competed, if that makes sense. I was never that person where I had to win because I always in a sense doubted that I could win. So I never strived to win, if that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Younger right, and I think I still hold onto that and it kind of just alleviates the pressure a bit for me because I recognize, like you said, the win is in the action and the development and the things that we do throughout that process and I've held on to that because I recognize that that is overall the big win and it actually outweighs the outcome because that's what takes us the longest right, the outcome, because that's what takes us the longest right Throughout our journey. The process in between before we get to the goal is probably much longer than we actually get to that goal. Because that goal, whatever that achievement was of being on a series regular or booking that co-star day player, getting that voiceover job for that animation because I'm talking and I'm manifesting here is right. You get that one episode, maybe two, and you work for a certain period of time, but it's not as important but it's not as prominent as the actual process to get there because when you get there, you did the work, you did the work. So now you're there just living it out, and so that, to me, is the most important process, and I tell my clients recognize where you are.

Speaker 1:

What season are you in throughout your process? Are you in the nurturing season? Are you in the season of drought? So what does that mean that you need to nurture that? What are your plants? What are your flowers?

Speaker 1:

But as far as the win, when I think back to how I didn't compete but I did, there was doubt there. There was doubt there, there was insecurities there, and so I didn't give myself the chance to enjoy the journey because I didn't give my all, I didn't hold onto that discipline. I know you're going to talk about discipline, but I didn't hold onto that discipline as much as I should have, and so I gave up before I even gave myself the chance to succeed, and then I moved on. So it's something to keep in mind, because these are habits that will eventually can come up for you, that eventually stop you from pursuing that goal or make you feel depressed because you're not getting that perfectionist or specific outcome, and so I just want to talk to that and we'll talk about that more.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure you will as well, but it's something that just came to mind because it's something that I dealt with as a kid and a teenager and maybe in my twenties and now that I'm in my 30s great, thriving. It's something I recognize and nurture now. And I do like competing. I do find it fun, I do enjoy that and I do win. I love to win, but I don't like to win in my egotistical mindset. I like to win in my grounded mindset, in my gratitude mindset, in my enjoyment of life and whatever I'm pursuing to do, and I encourage people to do that as well. Pass it on to you, darling.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I think the point that we both are kind of talking about around this ego and perfectionism or doubt, is it's what does the end result mean about us? And that doesn't define you all mean about us and that doesn't define you. You have this whole life where, every day, you can choose to acknowledge your greatness and how you showed up for yourself and maybe for other people, but ultimately yourself and so that's really what it's about. I mean, we've talked about this. I remember booking my first TV show and sharing that on Facebook when I finally was like, okay, it's safe to say something. And I remember being on set and super excited Can't believe this day is finally here. I've dreamt of this forever and it was a cool day. But what was really wild was when I posted about it and all these people that I had met along the way were supportive. It made me think of how I got there and and I definitely enjoyed moments of the journey, but I didn't know to appreciate the journey until I made that post. I didn't know all the little moments. I mean, you know, but if you're offline which is kind of what we're talking about and you're not in the moment and you're not really appreciating the journey. You don't realize how important all of that is and that's why a lot of times they'll say, when people do. Finally, I love Lewis Howe's School of Greatness.

Speaker 2:

A lot of times people talk about when they met these goals. They thought they would be happy and then they weren't and so if you're striving, I'll be enough. Once I reach this goal, I'll be happy once I reach this goal. Then you get there and you don't. That's when scary things can happen. So I want to move it along here and we'll talk more about all of this. But building consistency and habits. You can't rely on motivation. You have to have the discipline to show up every day. But we talk about how one day you have more to give than the next and that's okay. But showing up in whatever way you can shows your body that you are committed to falling through on the action and then eventually that means you will get to the result, because consistency in action becomes more comfortable and you can get there more quickly when your body feels safe in that, and so really honor that If you're trying to do something with your mental health.

Speaker 2:

I used to be like I had so much anxiety today I'm never going to get out of this, then I had to start shifting and think what did I do differently today? I meditated one minute longer, or I chose to take a breath in that moment instead of being reactive. I chose to meditate instead of just freaking out and spiraling. Or I took a mental health day and I chose not to speak to other people, because not the people are bad, but I needed space to take a breath and just be with myself and figure out what was going on. And just be with myself and figure out what was going on. And so I want to encourage anybody. It's not just about winning the race or getting that TV role or being on that show. It's also all the ways you're winning and showing up for yourself and building habits around that. So, before we move to pressure and anxiety, I would love your thoughts around building consistency and habits, which is really disciplined, but people don't like that word.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'll have to say I was a bit hesitant towards the word as well. Discipline, I think, for me I'm very big on, and if you've listened to this podcast, quite often you'll hear me say that I like to use words as discipline tools and magic, because I like to play with my mind, because I like to switch it up for my mind. If you say discipline, that sounds hard, it sounds difficult. So don't make it hard and difficult. Make it fun and enjoyable. Make it in small doses. It's like you know micro dosing. They tell you to micro dose. Yeah, micro dose with the discipline. Then Fine, take it in small strides. Do one small thing a day. That's going to alter your habit, that's going to alter your mindset, that's going to alter your energy, and I am definitely that person. There are times where I'm not again not nurturing my self-care, I'm not putting in specific time to work on the podcast, I'm not putting in specific time to work on the acting, and so I have to make it a priority and put it in the forefront of my mind, not only my subconscious but my conscious, as I'm going through life. To go, this is a choice. Every day we make choices. So how are you making your choices, checking with yourself every day to go, is my choice aligned with where I want to go and what I want to do and where I want to be? And that's how you can also gain or establish that discipline within yourself. Don't find if you don't like the word discipline, okay, again, microdose. Do small steps. Make it a part of your regimen every day, make it a part of your practice, make it a part of your flowing blood. You know how they say you got to live and breathe. Acting every day, I'm like, yes, I get it, I totally get it, but you also got to live and breathe in between. And so learn how to nurture all of that in between. Learn how to again do those small steps. So, if you find it difficult to go to the gym and you say, okay, oh, I should be at the gym Should be very specific word I should be at the gym for 45 minutes. Okay, great, well, what would you like to do? Obviously, no gym, great, fine. What's the compromise? What's the in-between? What's the okay? Fine, I'll give myself 15 minutes. I'm just going to go. I'm going to go to the gym and give myself 15 minutes. Give yourself 15 minutes. That's a small step, because what will naturally happen is your ego will eventually be set aside and your body will start living in that action and it want more. It will want more because you'll start releasing all that energy, releasing all those molecules and all those things and I'm not a scientist so I don't know them specifically but you'll release that and then your mind, your body will start aligning and it will become enjoyable. You'll find something fun in it. You're like, oh, wow, you know, yeah, it's burning, but what is the results? My butt is going to be nice and tight or I'm going to have that flat abs. Same thing with I had a client who was struggling with, you know, preparing for her auditions and she would get angry whenever these auditions would come in because the timeframe was a bit short, like two days, and she would just get agitated and irritated and just angry.

Speaker 1:

That I'm too. I have to do this. And, granted, she performed and did brilliant. That energy was also in her tapes. And what she didn't recognize is well, she was self-sabotaging. She was living in the uh, the, the, not results, the, the failure of it, the. You're taking time away from my life. And I had plans. Well, right, yeah, I had plans. I had plans y'all. I wanted to do things, of course, but this is the reality of your career. So you have to come to an understanding of what career you're taking and have that and then give into it and then find I know you said that passion is not the strongest thought to have when it comes to discipline and things like that but find, like Nell says, the why. Find your why. Find it, connect to it, connect to your inner voice, connect with who you are and the reason why you're doing the thing that you're doing, and enjoy that ride, if that makes sense. That I went through a whole tangent. I think I did. Yes, I think I did, but we'll get back on track.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's perfect. And I always say well, remember the why, of course. And you kind of already talked about the next point, which is that pressure and anxiety that can come up, that self-sabotage. It's no place to work. Amanda knows, there was that time in Woodstock I hadn't had an audition in months. Everything banked on this. And, as I say, no judgment, no shame. Putting shame on top of an already heavy, low vibe, emotion, is not going to help you, because then you just have a bigger hole to dig out of. You feel how you feel.

Speaker 2:

But Amanda and I always want to encourage awareness and this is part of it. This is why you have to acknowledge your wins instead of being like, well, I'm not at the result yet. You have to acknowledge what did I do this week, what went well today? I love asking myself and my clients and it's usually once a week what went well this week, what didn't go well and how can I pivot which we'll talk about in the next point growth mindset. But if you put too much pressure on yourself, you're not going to get there. I know a lot of people work well under procrastination, which is also perfectionism, and a need for control, which is a whole different thing. But the beauty of that is and the way I've started to structure my weeks, because I've realized that I just teach people how to create systems and plans, and I realized that when I put the self-care in to try to do these small actions to take care of myself first time with family time, with friends, but leaving a large chunk for these auditions to come up, and it really gave me awareness of time and that's what gave me a feeling of control. So then I appreciated all my little action steps and on the days when it gets hard I'm like but I made this plan and I'm doing the action and I'm showing up and eventually I know I will get there.

Speaker 2:

But if you don't have a plan and you're flying by the seat of your pants, you're going to feel out of control. So of course you're going to get really angry when you finally decide, out of motivation, to do something and then next week you don't have an Oscar. Well, what the heck Motivation struck. So that means everything should just happen now.

Speaker 2:

So if you're a control freak like me, one of the best things you can do is make a plan, be gentle with yourself, but just like I'm following the plan, I'm doing the things, as Amanda and I always say you're doing the things, we're doing the things, and that does reduce pressure and anxiety, because you're like something's got to give is what I always say, and it's very empowering to just focus on the action steps instead of the end result. The end result helps you plan the action steps, but you got to just focus day by day. So, before we jump more into growth mindset, which I've kind of already touched on, based on awareness and pivoting on, like depending on how your week went, what thoughts do you have about that, amanda?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was thinking and I don't know if I came to a full circle with my client about being angry with the auditions is we dug a little deeper and, without getting into too much of her details and her life, is she had to reconnect again to the why. But make it fun. Make it fun. I know that sounds and I said that earlier, but it was about the fact that it became more of a task than an enjoyment in life and part of her fulfillment and part of it, and she didn't feel in power. That that sense of control Cause. It's like well, I've made this plan in my life and all of a sudden you come in and now you're telling me no, I don't, okay, sorry guys, I don't, I can't hang for dinner tonight because, um, I have an audition that's due at 6 am tomorrow morning and it's six pages, right, and that's fine. So how do you balance that out? You got to find the balance in between. You go, okay, great, acknowledge the gratitude for that moment, coming up Like, oh my gosh, I have an audition, whatever that may be, whether it's a you know, oh, you got a last minute meeting, or an unexpected job comes up or there's traffic on the way to the audition, you know what? Take it as an opportunity to be grateful for that moment, because that is a moment that you can pause. So if you're stuck in traffic, great, use that moment to either run your lines, tune in with yourself, have a concert in the car, call a friend, you know. Use that moment. Don't let it slip and start living in the negative aspect of it. Oh my gosh, well, this is going to ruin my day. Well, you're ruining it because you're letting it. So it's switching that mindset. So, going back to what my client did is finding the joy of why and the challenge that she can actually do. Right, all these challenges that come up in our lives, we can always handle. It doesn't feel like it in the moment, but there's no challenge that you can not handle, and so see it as an opportunity to and I know you're going to talk about growth mindset, but see it as an opportunity to grow. See it as an opportunity to find the fun in it. Find the fun and I did a post recently where it's like okay, fine, I got an audition, I'm excited.

Speaker 1:

I have an anxiety. Oh my gosh, it's six pages. I was supposed to go out to dinner and all these things. And I got to tell people pause, take a moment, relax, breathe, do a little funny dance, write out your emotions, let it out, because if you keep storing it in, it's only going to fester and infect you like a virus. And so allow that space to allow that energy to be released, and then you'll realize oh wow, this is my ego coming in. This is maybe the child that feels insecure about her abilities. Or I really was nurturing my friendships and I don't want them to feel like I'm not going to be there for them. Real friends understand that if that career comes into place, they'll understand. They understand and if not, you have that conversation. I'm so sorry. I know it's last minute. Let me make it up to you. Let's do this. Or maybe come over and you can help me with the audition instead, so we can still hang, but I can still get this done. Or, hey, I can only go for like 10, 15 minutes. Maybe I'll just order an appetizer.

Speaker 1:

It's understanding that you can still make it work. Make it work, make it work for you. Figure it out, take a step, take a step back. Maybe you have to take 20 back and pause and just reevaluate the situation and then again find the joy in it, find the why, find the fun in it, find where you can tweak and make it even better than it was yesterday.

Speaker 1:

Or if you're not performing in the way that you think that you are, because we all have that now, like you talked about Woodstock and that self-sabotaging thoughts and those things came up and it's like all right, but you got it. You've booked work before. Remember all the accomplishments before this moment. It just proves that you're capable. Remember those moments. That's what you utilize. These are the tools that me and Janelle teach our clients, because we can tend to get caught up in the chaos of things, of what's not working and the materialistic things of life, rather than our life's purpose, our joy, our peace and what we're meant to do in the relationships that we have, including with others and ourselves. That's what I have on that.

Speaker 2:

Yes Also. A perfect response yes. Well, and to wrap up here, with a growth mindset. It takes a while to get there, and the reason it takes a while to be comfortable with a growth mindset is because you have to work through ego deaths and being confident in certain areas. So we all have a zone of genius, which is our natural area of strengths, where things just come to us like that. It's just easy for us, and as a coach, I'm always encouraging my clients to look at their zone of genius and pursue careers around that, and you're going to have to work and hone your craft and do all that type of thing, but if it brings you joy and you're naturally good at it, then that's a pretty good indicator, along with your desire to do something. It usually does align.

Speaker 2:

Amanda and I are always talking about ask yourself these questions. We, as coaches, ask you the questions and go into all areas of your life moments of ecstatic engagement where you were in flow state, and all these types of things. So I don't want anyone to feel shame about this thing. This is just talking about the actions. Well, I let that moment go. I didn't say, hey, friends, I'm sorry, I can't be there. I just got pissed and just stuck there, and that happens to me a lot in different situations. And only now, after years of doing breathwork and EMDR therapy and really investigating my body and how it reacts to things and the psychology behind that and getting certified as a coach and working with other people, have I finally been able to slow down enough to have a growth mindset.

Speaker 2:

Because before I didn't have a growth mindset, because to me, if I didn't get to the result, it meant I wasn't good enough and my dreams would never come true. And it's like dramatic. No wonder she's an actor, the drama queen. But we all have this. You know, even I felt like with my partner and his kids and his family. I wasn't included in a lot of the plans this summer and I was the last one to know and I became very frustrated with that. Oh, they hate me, they don't care about me. I've been around for four and a half years. You think you would know by now. No, they do love me.

Speaker 2:

But so then in the past I would have just gotten really angry and approached people about it, but people can't hear you when you're upset, and so I had to sit with myself. And what's it really about? Oh, it's because I was left out. When I was 10 years old, my friend group completely turned on me in one of my most painful times in my life. That's pretty rough to go through. So until you heal that stuff from when maybe you were five or 10 or 15 or 22, it's never going to go away and it's going to be really hard to have a growth mindset. But the more you do that mining my brother teacher, my favorite teacher, luckily I love her. She's like there is an end to this. You will. There is a bottom to your pain. You just have to keep chiseling away at it. So that's why I keep talking about the actions, whether it's your career or your personal life. Honor yourself for reacting even a little bit differently. If you still blew up on someone, maybe for a moment you did have the thought this isn't about me, but you're still scared, and it's okay that you were scared. So then you couldn't stop yourself and you still had the reaction. But even just having a different thought is a huge deal. That is a huge win. That's a different action and is getting you to the person that you want to become, and Amanda and I talk about that, too.

Speaker 2:

When we do an intake, we have a discovery session with people. I love to ask people the person that has the life that you desire how do they operate day to day? How do they talk to themselves? What do they do every day? And, of course, you're like oh, I have lattes delivered to my door with a white glove and I'm a queen, and limousines are coming for me and I'm on red car, whatever.

Speaker 2:

But also a big part of it is the mindset that they have. How do they deal with these situations? You know, with that Woodstock moment, a person that's confident in their craft and knows that if they don't get this audition, that the right one's coming for them, wouldn't care as much. They would just be like, okay, onto the next one. And my partner is amazing, very talented, creative guy. I noticed that, with him and all his friends, a lot of them are on Broadway. They don't let that stuff get to them.

Speaker 2:

And the last thing I'll say is I understand, though, how it can be like well easy for them to say they're already there, but there has to be this growth mindset that you have to build, this resilience that will help you work through that and just know that you're doing the actions and sitting with that and know that that one day will get you to where you want to be. Because it's the whole fake it till you make it. But you can't actually really fake it. You have to, and Amanda's really good at this. Visualization techniques are the faking part. I guess You're in this environment that you don't want to be in, or this job, or you're not where you want to be. Yet the faking part is really sitting with the dream. It's not necessarily fake, it's just you're not in that moment of your life yet, and so that's what I would encourage people.

Speaker 2:

So, if you take anything away from this, remember to honor yourself daily. However, you show up and just at least once a week, how did this week go? Where did I excel? Where did I change? And if I didn't, how can I make that easier for myself? What do I need to do? Maybe I got to take a class or go to therapy, or because it doesn't matter how creative and talented you are. Everything is a mind game, and if you don't work on your mindset, your motivation won't get you there. Your why won't get you there. It has to be. I'm doing this no matter what highs and lows. I'm in this and it's really a relationship with yourself and your dreams. I'm making this happen and honoring that. So, amanda, please close us out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would say, you know, with all that, except the highs and lows, except that there will be those moments where your things are going to be not go as the way you expected. There will be moments where you get out of your comfort zone. Great, great. Because those are the moments that, when you recognize it, like Janelle said, those are the moments where you can create shifts, where you can create change. And if you're not actively being subconscious or aware of who you are, where you want to go and what's happening in that moment, then you will never get to where you want to go, you will never be the person that you want to be, because you're not allowing yourself to accept that. Okay, you know, f it, I came out. You know I got angry. Fine, accept that. You got angry, it's okay. You're human.

Speaker 1:

These emotions exist within us and it's great, especially if you're an artist. You need to know what these feelings feel like in order to exude them on screen or voiceovers or anything that you're doing. Even if you're an artist and painting, you need to be able to express these emotions. That's what gives us life, that's what puts us apart from these. The animals, right. Besides opposable thumbs, besides the point, right. But you know, take that, take these moments. And again it goes back to pausing, but pausing with intention, pause with intention to go.

Speaker 1:

And you know, ask yourself, you know how can I shift my mindset? What is this emotion trying to tell me? What is this emotion of anger trying to express? Or maybe it's because I feel so lost for words that I'm getting angry, because I don't know how to express myself right now, and so I just want to ball out like the you know, what is it? Elemental anger, and it's like you're blowing up right yeah, but what is that trying to show you?

Speaker 1:

What is it bringing up to the surface? Is it that child that feels abandoned when you were younger and so you're angry because you couldn't speak up for yourself when you were younger and no one listened to you? You couldn't speak up for yourself when you were younger and no one listened to you. Well, now, listen to that inner child, start listening to you now. What do you need, what do you want, what do you value and how do you love in all these aspects? At the end of a day, the root of it all is love, and I'm not talking about, oh, loving other people. It's loving who you are unconditionally through these moments and accepting that.

Speaker 1:

All right, fine, I had a moment. It's not going to define me. It doesn't define my journey. What can I learn from it and what can I shift next time this comes up? Or who can I go to, like Janelle or Amanda, that can help me shift this mindset, because I'm not sure how to. And it doesn't mean that you're less than or you're incapable of doing it on your own Absolutely not. We all had a mentor. We've had teachers in our lives, we had family and friends and strangers teach us things. That's what life is about too. It's about learning, and no matter you're 90 years old or you're two years old, you're going to learn something because people are constantly living and learning and experience different things, and when you encounter them, there's always something there. So pay attention, be in tuned with all of this all of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, teacher Amanda, well, I and it made me think of something else yeah, it's. It's like kind of I finally got to the point where I can stay curious about it and actually make it fun, like, yes, interesting, uh, oh, you just got jealous there, yeah. And then it's it's like, ooh, cause the only way through things is through them, not around them. You got to go right through the pain and the fear and the anger because, like we're saying, it's always going to be there. So, make it a game, stay curious. Because then it's like you know, if you want to be competitive, you know, be competitive with yourself and be like, okay, well, because the faster you work through things, it's going to be gone. So you're like, okay, yeah, okay, come on triggers, thank you, thank you for being my teacher.

Speaker 2:

Like you're saying, other people are teachers and that's how they teach us. You're like, oh, that had an impact in a way that I was not expecting. Thank you. And that's how people with a growth mindset. They're like, okay, great, a tool that I can use. I'll work through this and then I won't have to deal with it again. So that was the only other story I had.

Speaker 1:

No, I love that, thank you, thank you. That's just the sense of gratitude is practice, those moments of gratitude in the moments of difficulty. I know that sounds crazy, I know that sounds almost condescending Like I. Dare you say such a thing. No, it's true, though, because you're still here again, you still. It means this is a challenge that eventually will end. Like Janelle said earlier, there is an end to it, or there is a point where it no longer affects you, where's no longer overcoming, overwhelming your life in all areas. It will be a thought of the past that no longer is in your present, nor your future. And so, but in order to get there no longer is in your present nor your future, but in order to get there, you got to be able to address those in those moments. And it's okay to be afraid of it, it's okay to feel scared, it's okay to feel nervous about it and uncomfortable and sad. Gosh, we all have all these emotions and it's absolutely okay. It only makes you human and it will shift. You just got to give yourself the opportunity to shift it. And, again, that one little small thing can shift your day.

Speaker 1:

If you say to yourself oh, maybe you don't feel worthy, tell yourself, you do. Tell yourself every day. I feel worthy. Today, even if you have the inkling of a doubt, I don't care. Do it, write it down and do one worthy thing for yourself today I am worthy of a cappuccino, honey. Yes, yes, dude, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Like you said, like, oh, I get white gloves with a cappuccino. Make your own, sit down, make it fancy, put a little cinnamon on top and then sit down with it, walk outside or whatever it is. Make it luxurious, make it romantic, make it fun. You have the choice to do it. No one else you can make that choice. So make the choice that's going to work for you and work towards your goal and your life of fulfillment, because you deserve it and it was your birthright. And that is that. I will close it out. Thank you everybody for joining us for Mindset Artistry Podcast. We are your hosts. I'm Amanda Dubois, that is Janelle Koloski, and we will see you next time. Ciao for now, and that's a wrap on this episode of Mindset Artistry Podcast. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe. Catch us every Thursday for a new episode to help you master the art of your mindset.

Speaker 1:

Got it? Yes, okay, cool.