Mindset Artistry

Embracing Transition: The Courage to Leap Beyond Comfort Zones

Amanda DeBraux & Janel Koloski

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Have you ever found yourself crafting tales of disaster when faced with change, or trapped by the boundaries of your comfort zone? This episode is an edifying journey through the creative labyrinth of the mind as I, Amanda DeWoe, ready myself for a seismic shift to LA. Together with my co-host, Janelle Pulaski, we dissect the narratives that often paralyze us and the liberation found in letting these stories unfold. We're sharing our raw, unfiltered experiences – the kind that makes you nod along, knowing you're not alone in the struggle of growth. 

Stepping into a new chapter can be a dance between trepidation and excitement, and today, we're your partners in that dance, leading you through the steps of embracing the unfamiliar. Janelle sheds light on the habit of limiting ourselves and how to conquer these invisible barriers. We balance the scales of comfort and personal evolution, urging you, our listeners, to set aside trepidation and aim higher in your life's aspirations. As always, our goal is to leave you charged with a sense of purpose and the courage to be unashamedly you, ready to forge ahead and excel beyond the stars.

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Speaker 1:

This is the Mindset Artistry Podcast. I'm Amanda DeWoe, an actor or actress per your reference, and an inner voice life coach, and I'm Janelle.

Speaker 2:

Pulaski, an actor and career and mindset coach. We're your hosts and we're here to flip your mindset, to teach you the artistry of what we learned to keep your mind in check.

Speaker 1:

Over the course of our lives, we've taken on the journey of healing, living and being authentically ourselves as we successfully built our individual careers in the entertainment industry.

Speaker 2:

This podcast is designed for you, so you can discover your goals and courageously reach them at your highest potential, while being a hundred and thousand percent yourself.

Speaker 1:

What you'll get from us is real dirty and okay, a little more like a lot of quirky, along with special elite guests that nurture empathy and create a safe space without judgment. So get ready to build a mindset that is unapologetically you and excel beyond the stars. Welcome to the Mindset Artistry Podcast.

Speaker 2:

That's good so here we are Amanda's moving to LA.

Speaker 1:

That isn't a surprise. We're still moving and then we're going to be bi-coastal, still in New York. At heart, I'm a New Yorker and I can't let that go. No, yeah, so it's a big change. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I feel like, as I was going through this change and making that decision, I really just felt like the anticipation, the hesitation, the stories that my brain decided to tell me or like come up with. I guess, like normally I would have either ignored it completely, like if this was like 10, 15 years ago. I would have like ignored it, or ignored it, ignored it completely, or like paid attention to too much, the point that it would have like sabotaged myself over the sabotage myself. And at this time I just chose for it to flow. And you know, as I tell my clients and everything, let it flow and kind of like process, whatever it is that you're going through.

Speaker 1:

And it was kind of difficult because I was literally thinking of like worst case scenarios that could possibly happen, as we all do, right, we think about the worst case scenarios and I mean like like storms happening, buildings being burned, catastrophic situations that would probably won't happen at all. And my brain was as a creative as it is. You know, a brain is creative. It was, um, it just kept going and I just like, I acknowledged it and I just kept taking a step every day toward the move, and I think that's what shifted the difficulty and the challenge about this new chapter, this unknown chapter, and then also recognizing that, like how fun it is to start a new chapter, and being able to start this new chapter as a creative and discover something completely new about myself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you can literally do anything. People argue for the limitations. As coaches, we talk about that. I mean, I argue for my limitations all the time. I'm like I can't do it because of this, this and this, and the best coaches will ask you questions about that, and it's obviously to protect yourself from the change. But I love it. It's like, yeah, like every day I'm doing a little bit and you just keep showing up and doing the things and eventually it works out. You were talking about moving there a year ago. So what was the shift?

Speaker 1:

it was so for me, the shift was seeing myself already living there and seeing myself already achieving the things that I want to achieve, as I was there and making that my part of my reality. And also I had a combination with just like I'm done with this version, this story of my life. I've learned what I've learned. I've learned what I've learned. I feel like I've healed and learned so much about myself and helped so many people that it's time for me to now move on and take what I've learned and level up and then learn some more and like set aside the fear and recognizing that my comfort zone actually was detrimental towards the things that I actually want. And granted, like you know, your comfort can help you heal. We know that right, your comfort can help you heal, can help you recognize. But at the same time, my comfort was also keeping me in stagnant and I can always come back to it. I think that's the thing, too is that I was always coming back to it.

Speaker 1:

I didn't want to feel comfortable. That was the thing. I also didn't want to feel comfortable. I don't and not in a bad way, but like comfortable in the sense of life and achievement of where I want to go. I wanted to challenge myself up level, and the only way I felt like I could do that is like, all right, do something you've never done before, live in a whole new state, a new place.

Speaker 1:

It was either LA or London, and London and Paris might be next. And then it was like, why not now too? As I tell my clients, like why not now? What's holding you back? If you were not to do the things that you wanted to want to do, what would your life look like and how bad would you feel? Or not even bad, but how would you feel? How would that affect you? So I sat back next year at this same time and saw myself in the same situation. Now, that is a bad situation. Very lucky, would I be happy, fulfilled? Would I be living my purpose? Would I be able to serve my gift in the best way?

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think so yeah, and I always say you know, this is not my story, you know. And. And then there's that line right, we do have to be grateful for what you have, but I'm always that is a very fine line for me because, like shaming people and out of their dreams can be a little weird to me, because there you can be. In both places you can say I'm very grateful that I have a roof over my head and I do have a job and I have all these things. But I also see this for my life and I don't think that's a negative thing is having a conversation with somebody about that.

Speaker 2:

The other day, I said you know, I don't lack gratitude, but when I sit with myself and like my younger self when I dreamed for my life I've had pieces of it, but there's a lot that I haven't experienced yet and I got to make some big shifts, some big scary shifts, to make that a reality. I was just thinking about that the other day. So I don't know. I mean, how do you find that balance? Because it can make you complacent if you're just like, well, I have a roof, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think I kind of get frustrated when it's like be grateful for what you have.

Speaker 1:

I kind of get frustrated when people say that like I'm not saying that I'm not grateful, I am, but I think there, like you said, I think there's this misconception of like you can't achieve or have more based on what you already have. Like be grateful that you have a place. Like, yes, I'm grateful, no, I'm not saying that, but I want more for myself, and it's not only for me, it's for my community, it's for my family, it's for people that I'm serving, it's for my career. It's not just for me, it goes beyond that. And I think that's that misconception of like it's just about that individual. It's not, it's an extension of me. And I think also what I've come down to and recognize is how do I define life? Because people are constantly throwing words at you about being humble. I hate that word Because humble is a word that actually is based on a dictionary.

Speaker 1:

It says that you feel less than what you are and like you're basically downgrading yourself. That's not the proper way of using like humble, instead using grateful. I am grateful for what I have. I'm living in my gratitude. It's's just the same thing like weakness and strengths. I don't think of like having weaknesses. I think there's um. What's the word? Um pre what's the word? I had it and I looked up in dictionary. You know what I'm going to look at my phone Y'all.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna look at it because I saved it and I was like I am going to make sure that I use this instead of using strength, strengths and we, oh, like proficient, proficiencies and inefficiencies yeah, because the inefficiencies you can always improve and become proficient in it, yeah, and I think like, whereas like weaknesses, yeah, great, you can get strong it but I feel like weakness is a there's like a stigma behind it, like if you're weak then you're never good enough, whereas like inefficient, it just means that you don't maybe have the proper knowledge, you don't have the skill yet, and so maybe I don't know, I just don't like the sense of weakness and hearing weakness, I just feel weaknesses is used in a sense that makes someone degrading it, makes someone less than, and I'm not a fan of that.

Speaker 1:

So, from something that I've learned is just redefining and redefining and understanding the words that you're using, the dialogue that you're using not only for others, but for yourself. How do you talk to yourself, how do you congratulate yourself? You were just talking about, we were just talking about how you have to recognize your achievements, even though they're like, maybe seem small, but looking at it and how it's relative to like a bigger picture.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, you know you and I both have birthdays coming up Devil areas in the house. It's so intense up in here. But yeah, and it's. I was thinking, you know, sometimes people would like to do like a birthday video about like, oh, a year ago, I would be proud of this and it's pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

You know, like what we've done with the podcast and you know TV shows or certain auditions or moving. You know you'll completed a move by then and I also moved somewhere that was healthier for me. So it's it's pretty neat to like just acknowledge that you know and and um, I don't know. It's like I think really, I just encourage everybody to always like, do make bold moves, and especially stuff that's scary to you, because you will survive. I mean, I hope you know, but that's where the growth lies. It is what you do day to day. Yeah, you've got to rest. That's a big thing. Please rest when you're resting, but when you're not resting, you've got to make a big, bold move. Yeah, that's really where I see massive change and shifts with people, including myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, definitely. But I also recognize that, as I've gone through this like shift and change, the old stories have made my spirit show self, my emotional self, my physical self and my mindset exhausted. Because, no, I've been like exhausted, more tired than I've ever been before, whether I've stayed up in broke night, whether, you know, I've been hiking for like five, six hours. I've been physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually exhausted because I'm letting go of a version of myself that is no longer serving where I want to go, and I say this all the time to my clients and it's hard to let go. I say this all the time to my clients and it's hard to let go. So this is kind of like this tug and push and tug and push and tug and like pull and all these things that are happening, and it's exhausting spiritually. I'm like, yeah, I'm ready to go, I'm excited, and then there's like a part of it Are you what's going to happen?

Speaker 1:

And so that kind of like tug of war and like boxing matches happening has made me exhausted and I had to like ask myself, like we were just kind of doing content and I'll say this, like there was so much resistance, so much resistance coming from me, like I literally was. Like it's the time of the month yes, I'm getting personal, get over it. It's time of the month. And like I'm tired, my back hurts. Uh, I have to go to the city. Like my mind was coming up with all types of scenarios to not meet up with janelle, to not do our content and I was. I had to ask myself why. I felt annoyed, I felt a bit angry, and then I had to ask myself I said why do I feel this way?

Speaker 2:

and I was just telling you this, then why do?

Speaker 1:

I feel this way and I was just telling her this. Then why do I feel this way? What's going on, amanda? Like really, what's going on? Because you know this is a part of your work, it's a part of your career, it's a part of your creativity. So what's happening? And I realized that I stopped finding it fun. I thought it was more of a work thing and I was like I'm not finding it fun, but it is fun.

Speaker 2:

How about that telephone booth moment?

Speaker 1:

It was so fun.

Speaker 1:

I had so much fun. Yeah, we did with the library, you know we did a lot. And I just told myself before that moment, I said I'm going to do what I need to do. I grabbed a chai tea latte before I met up with her. I sat down, I drank it, I let it go and I said I'm going to choose to have fun today. And that's what I did. I shifted my mindset and when she arrived because I told her I texted her I said listen, I'm not in the mood today. I said I'm not in the mood and I literally told her. I said I'm not in the mood today. She's like okay.

Speaker 1:

And when she came.

Speaker 2:

she's talking to him. He called her. Oh yeah, All right. Well, that is our episode. That's our episode. We got to go. We got to go. It's time to party y'all.

Speaker 1:

Next time you hear from us, I'll be in LA and she'll be in New.

Speaker 2:

York, and then she'll come visit me. We'll be in LA living, yeah, and we'll yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all right, see you next time. Bye, and that's a wrap on this episode of Mindset Artistry Podcast. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe. Catch us every Thursday for a new episode to help you master the art of your mind.