Mindset Artistry

Crafting Resilience from Life's Unpredictable Currents

Amanda DeBraux & Janel Koloski

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Have you ever found yourself between the thrill of your achievements and the turmoil of your challenges? In this episode, we guide you through life's unpredictable waves and lay out the map for navigating emotions that can be roadblocks to your success—self-doubt, fear, jealousy, anger—and transforming them into stepping stones. Our heartfelt discussion will illuminate the strength found in mindfulness, teaching you the art of staying anchored in the present while weathering life's storms with determination and grace.

Together, we unpack the secrets to keeping your passion alight, even as life tosses curveballs your way. It's about finding joy in the journey, embracing change, and aligning your goals with what truly brings you fulfillment. We delve into personal stories and share strategies for maintaining momentum and resilience amidst the unexpected. Our candid conversation celebrates the process, not just the destination, empowering you to live boldly and authentically. So, please tune in and let us help you turn life's ebb and flow into a dance of your own making.

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Amanda DeBraux:

Welcome to the Mindset Artistry podcast.

Janel Koloski:

This is Amanda DeBraux, a self-authenticity prosperity life coach, and actor or actress per your reference, and I'm Janel Koloski, a career and mindset coach and an actor as well. We are your hosts and we're here to flip your mindset, to teach you the artistry of what we learned, to keep your mind in check Over the course of our lives, we've taken on the journey of healing, living and being authentically ourselves as we successfully build our individual careers.

Janel Koloski:

This podcast is designed for you so you can discover your goals and courageously reach them at your highest potential, while being 100,000% yourself. What you'll get from us is real dirty and a little well more like a lot of quirky Along with empathy, edge and a safe space that holds hashtag no judgment.

Amanda DeBraux:

If you're ready to build a mindset that is unapologetically you and excel beyond the stars, you're in the right place.

Janel Koloski:

We're so excited to have you here. Now let's dive in Hashtag.

Amanda DeBraux:

Just say Awesome, awesome sauce. So I want to just dive in, like anybody who has maybe thought that they're struggling, or feel like they're being stifled by self-doubt or fear, or even jealousy, anger, and it has hindered you in any which way or form. Where it discourages you from pursuing goals, it affects your body and your mind, where you don't have the energy to do things, you don't have a passion, you don't have that fire within you to go after the things that you desire, or maybe it's the doubt, in the sense that you don't feel worthy of achieving the thing that you actually desire. So all of that is bundled up in the process and your journey of life, and that's why I want to dive into this conversation.

Amanda DeBraux:

It could be many different things. It's necessarily have to be so difficult, but it could be a lack of clarity, lack of direction. You have so many options that you or creativity, or hobbies or interests that you're into, and you just don't know which way to go or what to do or how to embrace the process and kind of dabble into all of them or not at all or turn a different direction. And so life is a process, life is a journey, and so how do you embrace that process. Before we dive into that, nellie, when you think of the phrase embrace the process, what's the first thing that comes to mind?

Speaker 3:

Just every moment, moment to moment, just embracing all of it. Too many times, myself included, you're just focusing on the end goal and you don't know how long that will take. We had a workshop the other day and people were so lovely and they were coming in and one of the biggest things was when it is going to happen and you don't know what you want. So really embracing the journey really helps you, because you cannot focus on when is it going to happen, because you have zero control there.

Amanda DeBraux:

Absolutely. That's one of the realizations and key notes to keep in mind is that there are a lot of things out of your control, but there's so much in your control, and that's where you should be focusing on the things that you can control, because you can't control when the sun rises or the sun sets, but you know that it's going to be there, and so what do you do? You prepare, you say in motion, or you rise in the morning All the things that you can do alongside the things that are out of your control, or choose to walk away or choose something else. And so a reason why I wanted to talk about this is because we had this be requested to talk about embracing the process and flowing with the energy in life, and how do you go from a high and then go to a low, and that can happen throughout the day multiple times. You have a really good high. You're like, oh my gosh. I had amazing conversation with my best friend or my boss congratulated me on the task that I did in the meeting and I presented and I did a great job. I did a killer audition and the casting director even commented like I was a really great take, awesome.

Amanda DeBraux:

And then, I don't know, your phone falls on the floor, you run late and you miss your train. Your car breaks down, your boyfriend or your partner breaks up with you and you have this thing of oh my gosh, I was riding on this high and then here comes this low and it brings you down. And so how do you process and embrace that journey of the ups and downs and understanding of what you can control and what you can't? And it's a difficult one to comprehend, but with practice you'll get better at it and at the end of the day, things will happen and they will always happen. It's because people have choices. You know, people are living for themselves, people are trying to live their best lives and they're going to do what's in their best interest. And sometimes what's in their best interest doesn't align with what's in your best interest, and that's when that compromise and understanding, the communication, is in play. But let's get back to it.

Amanda DeBraux:

So now, how do you embrace the process? Well, there's a few things that you can do. One of the things is practicing mindfulness, and one of the things is like practicing mindfulness means is accepting where you are in the moment, being aware of what is happening in the process, whether it's a happy moment, a sad moment, because even in those happy moments they will as they say, this too shall pass right. You will have a good moment and then you could have a bad moment. That literally follows through, or vice versa. And so you have the awareness, the acceptance, and then you have to get the clarity of it, and then you have to honor it and then implement and then figure out what you can do, like that's in your control, and what's not.

Amanda DeBraux:

And so the concept of the awareness is again figure out where you are in the process. Are you in the beginning, step stages, are you in the middle? Are you in a really hard place between was it a place between a rock and a hard place? Yeah, we go, if you know a hard and a rock place, right. Or you know you're at the tail end and you're exhausted, but you know you have to, like it's like doing a race and you have like one mile left, but you're so exhausted and you're like, no, I could do it, I could do it, but you know. And so you have to figure out where you are in the process.

Amanda DeBraux:

Also, what is happening within this process that is causing some disturbance within you. Is it a limiting belief? Is it a block? Is it fear? Is it doubt? Is it the imposter syndrome? Is it just the fact that you were in taking care of yourself so you're extra exhausted, you make time for yourself? Or was it the fact that you are over-exerting energy, that that in places and people that don't belong, that don't require your focus, because it doesn't even align with where you're wanting to go? And so, before I dive into the additional aspects of embracing the process, nelly, is there something that stands out to you about embracing the process that you feel has helped you throughout your life?

Speaker 3:

Because the culmination of what you've already spoken about. So speak to the points that you made, I recently had a lot going on with my car and it was extremely upsetting, especially going through a huge job transition and you know, if you have your health, you have everything Okay. So a car breaking down is in you know the end of the world, but it can be a lot, especially if it keeps happening. It was extremely annoying, like, and then somebody tried to break in and it was like what is going on and I had to try to make decisions. But I kept trying to have gratitude that I have a car. I kept trying to think about how much joy this car has brought people and myself because it's a convertible specifically my boyfriend's daughters. I kept trying to do that.

Speaker 3:

This is really difficult, especially when something was supposed to cost you a little bit and it was costing you a whole lot more than you could really get into. So I would say the gratitude and I also screamed and cried a little bit. I had to because I was frustrated and the other points you made about, and I can be this way too. I really think it's beautiful if you're committed to something and you really want it to work, but if it's not, it's not and then you have to move on. So you really have to start learning how to have that awareness, like there's definitely certain people I'm thinking of right now I'm not going to be around them and I don't care anymore.

Speaker 3:

But to the people that are listening, where maybe it's like I really want this to work out, this relationship or this friendship or this job, does it really make you happy? Or are you just being stubborn and it is an ego thing Because you already put in the time? Because that's how I am. If I put time into something means a lot to me, but if it's not serving you anymore, or your journey, like you said, then it's like. I just had a friend last night. She was really upset. I was like I encourage you to just have gratitude. Thank you so much, friend, for showing me your true colors now and not later, so I can have a redirect. And this is all part of the process of life and there's going to be so many ups and downs. I literally feel like my life is like this, like it's kind of like when will it spread out more? So I'm saying that because I hope it encourages people that are listening that for a person that has a wildly turbulent life at times, you can get through it.

Amanda DeBraux:

I love that. Yeah, this is the up and downs and there's nothing that you can't overcome. And if you believe that you'll always find the solution in the problem because there always is a solution to the problem and sometimes it might not even be a problem we're making it a problem because we're overthinking it or it has to be a specific way. It's like, oh, I can't do this because I don't have enough money, or what all those things. You're developing problems that actually don't need to be there. So if you embrace the process and go, okay, I'm open to whatever needs to come to me, then you're allowing a pathway to walk down that may. The unknown can present itself to you. And these solutions, these opportunities Well, you're saying you don't have the money, you won't ever have the money. But if you say money is available to me as I need to fulfill or to attend that class, it will come to you. It's an energetic thing. You're going to repel the thing that you actually desire if you're living in the negative aspect of it, the lack of aspect of it. When you're embracing the process, you're going to cultivate resilience. Right, and this is understanding that they're going to be ups and downs, but what's going to happen is is you're going to keep in mind that you will always stand back up, no matter how hard you fall, no matter how bad the problem is. You know that you are resilient and it will eventually resolve itself. As things, this too shall pass right. Also, embracing the process, you discover yourself. You'll discover your character. You'll build the character within you because you'll tap into different skills that you have, different abilities that you have. If you give yourself the opportunity to let it flow and stop holding onto things so tightly or living in the fear of things. Like Nell said, the fact that you are still alive and have your health, my gosh, are you ahead of a lot of people? And even with that mindset, you will allow yourself to look at things as all right, it's not that bad. It could be worse, it's not that bad. That's a version of embracing the process, right. It also encourages you to learn.

Amanda DeBraux:

If you're embracing the process, you're opening up your mind to the fact that, okay, I have a problem. What can I do the thing of? What can I control? Oh damn, I don't know how to manage my money. That's a problem. Okay. So what does that mean? Learn how to manage the problem. Learn how to manage money.

Amanda DeBraux:

Where do you start? There's so many opportunities to go on YouTube, people have free courses. There are many books, self-help books. You just have to start. You have to commit to learning and evolving and self-discovery, that inner you to build up. And again, what is this contributing to your character, contributing to your inner voice, and you'll feel more confident. That resilience, that full circle of all right. I learned something new. Now I can either pay it forward, I can implement it. Then, in this embracing the process, you have to understand that there has to be a balance between setting goals and pursuing them hardcore and then going. Wait, I need to take a break, I need to rest, I need to take care of myself. What am I not doing? Or what do I need to do? What do I want? It makes you pause and ask the question, ask you what is it that I need? What is it that I actually want? Is it it's not the money, that maybe it's financial freedom?

Speaker 3:

So what does that look?

Amanda DeBraux:

like for me. That's embracing the process, because it allows clarity, that awareness, that admittance of admitting that, yeah, I'm in that rock and a hard place. How do I get out of it? Do I dig a hole? Do I pull a tunnel? Do I build some bridges, all the things right. You'll start expanding your mind and start putting puzzle pieces together. You start looking at the bigger picture of it.

Amanda DeBraux:

So what is that goal? That's also embracing the process, because if you set goals and then maybe the goal that you set it doesn't align with you anymore, then all right. Well, you embrace the process of going. All right, I guess I have to reassess where I'm at, to have to reassess the goal. Maybe it's not what I want to do, maybe it's somebody else told me I should do that and it's like, well, it's not bringing me joy, it's not fulfilling me in the way that it amplifies my gifts and my talent and my skills and what I'm capable of. The awareness, again, all these things of admittance, awareness and the clarity. This is allowing you to pause Right Now before I jump into a couple of other tools and benefits of embracing the process. Anything that you want to add.

Speaker 3:

Not much, just definitely allowing yourself also the space when you're embracing the process, to figure it out. I love that solution. Somebody told me I was trying to think of three solutions before you give up, like three really opposite solutions. Like you know, with the car thing I decided I'm going to take the train more because my car needs more of a break. You know, I learned from it.

Speaker 3:

You know a car should be able to function well, but I just, instead of just completely giving up and selling this car, I was like how can I work with this situation and something with, like, my relationship? I'm like how can I find a happy medium? Because I can be very black and white about things at times, not always. I don't really mind that about myself, but in certain circumstances it's not so great because there's this nice gray area that has a lot of solutions in it.

Speaker 3:

So it also encouraged people to make sure you're giving yourself the space, like to calm down and then you can embrace the process more, because it's really hard to embrace and that was the most upsetting thing about everything I was going through, because it was like I couldn't even breathe because every time I went to try to relax or work, this car kept breaking down. So, finally, whenever I was able to really give myself the time to breathe and say no to a lot of things and you might have to say no to things that you really wanted to say yes to, but this obstacle came up, bro, like it's, life happens, and so if your life was chill, you could say yes to more, but there's times where you have to say no to things that normally you wouldn't, because you need the space to figure out how to sort out the process.

Amanda DeBraux:

I love all that. Yeah, you need the space. You need to create the space. Sometimes you feel like you don't, so you have to create it. You have to take a step back and create that space for you. I love, love, love, love that.

Amanda DeBraux:

One of the things that I've learned is that, in order for creativity, or in order for you to find that solution, there's a couple things you can do. Imagine the solution, sit down, take a moment of stillness and go all right, this is a problem. What creativity can I build within my mind that can create a solution? It may sound outrageous, it may not even make sense, but write it down, explore, right, that exploration of that solution, what it could be. And you may have 20, 30, or even just one, and going all right, I only got one possible solution. What does that look like? Where work backwards? Now, always, like I say, working backwards, it's like work backwards from the solution and then you can work towards the original goal. How do you get to that solution? So it's working backwards. So that's one of the things you do.

Amanda DeBraux:

It also allows you to keep motivation, because life is unpredictable. That's the reality of it. Life is so unpredictable. It could rain right now. It could snow right now if it wanted to. And also that's the beauty of it If you allow yourself to embrace that, what happiness and beauty you can get from like that rain, like oh, you know that beautiful rain, the smell of that rain, like all of those things. It gives you an opportunity to tap into what could possibly add happiness within the chaos or the challenge or the processes of feeling stuck, stagnant. You know well, if you feel stuck and stagnant, okay, that's embracing the process. I do, I feel that way, admitting that and then processing that feeling when?

Speaker 3:

is it?

Amanda DeBraux:

coming from. Is it actually true? Maybe you don't, maybe you just need to get out of this funky area and then clear the clouds and that chaos, that shadow, and go. Oh, there goes the light. There's that solution. Maybe it's a person right.

Amanda DeBraux:

And again, I love what Janelle said earlier and that was one of my points is practice gratitude, practice gratitude, cultivate that gratitude within you every single day, and if you do that, it will boost your mind, it will boost your personality, will boost who you are, it will boost everything about you. You know, and some of the things that you can do. And as we close this out, because we can talk about this process all day is you know, journal Like you know what that goal is. It's okay to feel like the imposter syndrome. It's okay not to know all the answers. You're not meant to, because if you did, life would kind of be boring, there would be no adventure, there would be no excitement, there would be nothing to look forward to. And so practice that daily journaling, practice it, and this just could be verbal or verbal or, you know, physically, writing it down. Get the words out of your head so you can create the clarity, get the get.

Amanda DeBraux:

Change of real estate. If you're in this funky home, change it right, mentally right, you know. And so in visual lives, you already succeeded. If you visualize that you already succeed, you're making space for that success to come back to you or to create within your reality. There's so many things you can do. I know, easier said than done. We always say that and I especially say that Easier said than done. But this is when you create a routine and a practice. But you also have to find the balance to live freely and understand that there are a lot again, a lot of things you can control and a lot of things you can't. And it's a beautiful thing. And the only thing that you can control is yourself, right, and you know, within this, embracing the process, the last thing I'll say and the last point I will say is learning to express yourself throughout this process, along with the journaling, learning to express yourself creatively, mentally, physically, emotionally.

Amanda DeBraux:

What does that look like? What does that feel like? And that may change. Be your own best friend, be your cheerleader. Don't be your worst enemy. Don't be your worst enemy because, at the end of a day, the only person that's keeping you down is you from here. Yes, there are other circumstances, of course. I'm not denying that, I'm not belittling those at either as all. But it is up to us because if you have that mindset of I'm resilient and I could do this, then you can and you'll start creating that within your life. You won't let anybody define who you are. You won't let anybody define your life, your process, anything, and so I'll leave you guys with that and say that you are capable. All that you desire and embracing the process can look different for people, so do not judge, and do not judge yourself for not knowing the answer. It is absolutely okay not to know.

Janel Koloski:

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Mindset Artistry. We hope you found our stories and tips motivating and helpful. Be sure to follow us here on Spotify for more episodes to help you master the art of your mindset.